MET Transfer Station

SK Geotechnical performed the geotechnical evaluation for this project in 2008. We are currently providing construction materials testing and special inspection. The project included a 5,000 square-foot driver’s building, pedestrian kiosk, and numerous canopies. Site improvements included installing reinforced Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) for high intensity bus traffic.
Our services for the project included the following:
- Conducting a geotechnical evaluation consisting of five soil borings to depths ranging from approximately 15 1/2 to 30 feet to evaluate soil and bedrock conditions in the area of the proposed building.
- Providing recommendations for earthwork, spread footing foundations, and slabs.
- Providing detailed pavement thickness design using AASHTO Procedures for PCCP bus areas and asphalt pavement for adjacent city streets.
- Providing geotechnical recommendations related to a new boulder pit on the site.
- Performing excavation observations to evaluate subgrade soil conditions and conformance with project specifications.
- Perform compaction tests with nuclear densometers to confirm that fills and backfills were placed and compacted in accordance with the project specifications.
- Perform concrete tests and special inspection to evaluate that the concrete was placed and cured in accordance with ACI 306.
- Performing special inspection of reinforcing steel and concrete forms.
- Performing pavement subgrade observations, including proof rolling of exposed soils to evaluate suitability of the proposed pavement section.