Kiowa JCT-N & S and North of Kiowa-North

US Highway 89 runs along the east side of Glacier National Park and is considered a scenic highway as well as provides access to Glacier National Park. This highway follows the existing rolling and mountainous terrain and includes relatively sharp S-curves, almost 90 degrees at some locations, as well as a roller-coaster riding surface. The goal of the project is to realign the highway to straighten the sharp curves and improve the vertical alignment. Two new bridges at the Lake Creek and South Fork Cut Bank Creek crossings are also necessary.
SK Geotechnical is providing the geotechnical and soil survey services for the project. Our services include the following:
- Performing an engineering reconnaissance of the proposed alignment and reviewing available information, topographic and geologic maps of the area.
- Performing soil borings and sidewalls along the existing PTW and realignment areas.
- Performing soil borings for new structures including the bridges and culverts.
- Laboratory testing for engineering properties and soil and bedrock strengths.
- Culvert inspection, corrosion tests, and topsoil survey.
- Recommendations for cut and fill slopes as well as shrinkage.
- Seismic refraction survey and recommendations related to excavatability.
- Recommended asphalt cement content for construction.
- Recommendations for pavement design and subgrade stabilization.
- Recommendations for bridge foundations.